Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Chad and I did not have any exciting plans for Memorial Day weekend.
Saturday we had great intentions of getting a lot of things done. We got up and started cleaning the house. Nancy called and said she had to postpone our hypnosis session as she has a mom in labor. We spent the rest of the day being lazy. Chad is still trying to recover from being sick. He has had fevers off and on for the past 2 weeks. He is planning on calling the doctor on Tuesday for an appointment. Something is just not right. Chad never gets sick, but there has been a lot of yucky viruses going around this year. I have been so fortunate to only one slight sinus infection in a year when so many bad viruses were going around. I still swear something is wrong with my sinuses, but I just continue doing my sinus rinses every single morning and this seems to ward off most of the sinus infections I might have had.

Sunday Chad and I were a little lazy again (we are taking advantage of it while we can!). We did tour Valley Medical again to remind ourselves of what we had seen 6 months prior and ask any questions to prepare ourselves for Genevieve's coming into the world. We also went to Fry's to look at Camcorders. Last night we went to see High School Musical. Neither Chad nor I was really looking forward to it, but we were both pleasantly surprised. It was very well done. I'm glad we went. While I was waiting for Chad I got a comment from a woman stating, "Are you due any day now?" I said no, not until June 21st. She looked in awe and then said, "Twins?" I laughed, nope no twins. The woman sitting next to me also let me know it was okay to put my feet up (I still couldn't do it) and that she would rather me put my feet up then have to deliver a baby right there. Yep, these days I get a lot of comments about how pregnant I am. I took a picture from last night to illustrate what I mean. I can completely see the chubbiness in my face and body. As for pregnancy symptoms I can't complain too much. I definitely like the third trimester better than the first and about halfway into the second. I am uncomfortable. Genevieve tends to either sit on my bladder or under my ribs. I get up once a night for about two hours to allow for my hips to rest as they tend to get very sore, but overall I have been able to sleep well and deep. My feet continue to be swollen, more so on warm days or days I have been on my feet a lot. I do get out of breath easily and my back and shoulders continue to be sore. I have been doing fetal counts and all seems well. From time to time I think, hmmm I haven't felt Genevieve in a while and I start counting. Of course I always get to 10 fetal movements before 2 hours (most the time in the first 40 minutes. Overall I think she must be a calm baby because often times I don't feel her movements unless I am thinking about it. I can feel however, that she is getting stronger. She still loves to tease her dad. Most times she is really moving around and I call Chad over to see or feel she stops instantly. Thankfully there have been a few times where he has seen here in action and got to share the wonder of this. It really is amazing to watch. Sometimes I just sit and stare at my bare belly and watch it move. It's pretty cool. I am feeling Braxton-Hicks contractions from time to time. Nothing to worry about though, it's just my body practicing. All these symptoms are still way better than the nauseousness I felt during the first trimester and now at least I can see that there is an end in sight.

Chad and I practice our contraction hypnosis every night. It's our homework. We turn on relaxing music, put out our aromatherapy and practice contractions. Chad times out 1 minute long contractions every 3 minutes. He states, "Contraction beginning" and puts a bag of ice in each hand and puts the physical trigger in place as I breathe out. If you have never held a bag of ice for a minute on 3 minutes off for 5 sessions before, try it, it's not as easy as it might seem. The goal is to be able to relax without focusing on the pain. Sometimes are better than others but I do seem to be making progress. Obviously, holding ice is nothing compared to what the contractions are going to feel like, but it is just a way to help me practice ignoring outside distractions while I relax.

My plans for today? Pack the bag for the hospital, write thank you cards, and have the last hypnosis session with Nancy before delivery. Wow, things are sure moving along. Before I know it we will be holding little Genevieve Ella in our arms.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Baby Showers!

May 15th was my work baby shower. Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with me. A special thanks goes out to Connie, Nikole and Joanne for putting it together. I truly appreciate it. Thanks for the pictures Connie.

May 17th was the baby shower that my sister, Jennifer put together with help from my mom. It was so great to see everyone there. Thank you cards will be coming. We appreciate everything. Jen, the Trophy Cupcakes were a hit.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pics from My Fair Lady

May 4, 2008.

I just wanted to post these pics of my dad and me from the night we went to see "My Fair Lady". I was a great show!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Too much to do, too little time to do it in!

As June grows nearer Chad and I are overwhelmed with the amount of projects we need to do around the house and expensive items we need to buy before the baby comes. Both add up quickly. I am trying as much as possible to take it easy due to fatigue, swollen feet, sore back and numb thighs, however Chad just can't do it all. When he focuses on the major projects that need to get done the housework suffers, when he focuses on the housework the projects don't get done. Not to mention that our weeks get busier and busier with childbirth classes, doctor's appointments, hypnosis for birth classes and other baby related to-do's. I have decided pregnant or not, it is time I start helping out again. I will do what I can in small increments, but it needs to be done. Today Chad and I were supposed to go to see My Fair Lady at the Paramount. I wouldn't miss this for the world, Chad however, has reached a point of being so overwhelmed by projects and so underwhelmed by the thought of seeing this show that he has decided he doesn't want to go. Fortunately my dad is able to go with me. It will be a fun night for us. I am looking forward to it.

This past Wednesday my friend MariClaire had invited me to see a movie called "The Business of Being Born". MariClaire is a doula and a member of Tacoma Labor Companions. She was to receive a gift for her and her pregnant friend for bringing a pregnant woman. We had decided to go out to dinner before the movie. I thought it would be a fun idea to bring my friend Melissa along, too. After all two pregnant women has to earn more brownie points than one right? Melissa and MariClaire had met once before at my Rock Band Party. Unfortunately I was a few minutes late to the restaurant (Jambalaya). When I walked in I saw MariClaire at one table and Melissa in another area of the restaurant at another table. At any rate the three of us really enjoyed our food and company. The movie was very good too. I highly recommend this movie to any one who is pregnant or supporting someone who is pregnant.

In the upcoming week we have Childbirth class (3 more to go), I have a three day conference in Bellevue from Wednesday to Friday so Chad and I will be carpooling to work, we have a hypnosis for birth session with Nancy and it is Mother's day this weekend. The week after next is even busier!