Monday, August 18, 2008


Well we never made it to South Carolina due to a mix up with our tickets through Travelocity. We were at least able to salvage part of our trip and get down to Tampa. Here are the pics.

She did great on the plane!

It's funny how Gen likes to hold on the the straps of her carseat like they are overalls.

Gen El with her Aunt Janelle

My Aunt Nancy and GenMy Aunt Denise with Genny
Genny with her cousin Dayna
G with her Grandfather (Chad's Dad)
Memere and the grandkids
Memere and G
My cousin Mike with my nephew Dax
Gen loves her Paci (and has started grabbing some objects)Gen with her Paci/Penguin
She loves to stand. We only provide balance.

Monday, August 4, 2008

On to South Carolina and Florida!

We are looking forward to our little jaunt to S. Carolina and Florida this upcoming weekend. It should be crazy busy and just crazy since we will be traveling with our little one for the first time. In other news Chad and I have started laying Genevieve down to sleep in her crib and so far we have had some success with this (keep your fingers crossed) and I have had two nights in a row of 6 hours of sleep. Woo hoo! I was getting a little stressed out over things and what we should and shouldn't do. Chad finally told me, "Dixie, step away from the books!" Genevieve has started grunting and cooing as well as smiling which makes for some great pics. Below you will find some of my favorite pics of Genevieve.

Shhhhh Don't wake the baby (or Genevieve)
Taken in Night Vision

Grammy and G

All Swaddled and no place to go

Aunt Jen and Gen

See the dimple on the right?

So sleepy

Somehow I don't think the sleep positioner is helping.Cover Girl!