Saturday, May 16, 2009
And one for mom too!Lately Gen loves putting thing on her head or behind her head.
Putting the box on her head.

Gen's toothy grin. Look at all those teeth!

We were shocked when Genevieve actually kept these sunglasses on for a while.
Too cute.

Here she is watching daddy mow the grass.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Genevieve has started crawling all over the place. She is also cruising. She can pull up on just about anything now. She has 4 teeth on top and 2 on bottom. She is eating chunkier foods and right now her favorite thing to eat is toast. Toast is like candy to her. She is also able to drink water out of a sippy cup!
The weekend of Jennifer's baby shower and Easter Genevieve got sick. I think she has a thing about holidays. We thought she had whooping cough for Christmas and Easter she had the flu. Poor thing, she was vomiting, had a fever and diarrhea. She would attempt to play, make it to her destination and just lay on the object she wanted to play with. I have never seen her so tired. At least I got some good snuggle time in. We were really concerned with dehydration since for a while there she wasn't eating or drinking. She can't stand pedilyte! All turned out well and she is much better
The day I discovered Gen was sick she had gotten sick all over her carseat just before a doctor's appointment. I had to clean her and her carseat up as good as I can in a room at the doctor's. While we waited for her appointment she was just in her diaper on a cold rainy day. Before we left I took my shirt off and put it on her and zipped up my coat.
On the 16th Genevieve saw a pediatric digestive health specialist. She took Gen off Flovent, Zantac and Reglan and put her on Prilosec. It's so nice one med, once a day. A couple days after her appointment we noticed her getting congested again. I waited a week more than talked to the specialist and she advised putting her back on the Flovent, but that if she is reacting that way to being on and off Flovent that is not caused by GERD. Last week I spoke with a Physical Therapist I work with at school about Genevieve's right foot (it turns out when she walks). She suggested it was best to get it checked out. I had an appointment with her general doctor. He suggested she get a x-ray of her hips and referred her to an orthopedic doctor at Mary Bridge. He also referred her to an allergy specialist / Pulmonologist. So many doctor's for such a tiny little thing. Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of what's causing her congestion and her foot thing isn't a big deal.
We got Genevieve's head shots so she is all ready for modeling. No calls yet though. I'm not expecting much.
The dog we thought might be a good match for me, Gracie, turned out not to be such a good match for me. We continue the waiting game for a hearing dog. Genevieve seems to be really drawn to dogs. It'll be fun when we get one. I still have an obsession with and continue to send potential dogs to Summit. This helps them at least with the first part. I have decided not to do the interviews anymore, I get too attached and thinking "Oh this is the perfect dog".
We saw "Cats" and "Sunday in the Park with George". It was nice to get out for both shows. Travis and Sarah and Mom and Dad watched Genny for Cats. It was a great show. We both enjoyed it. Much better live than on video. For Sunday in the park with George we actually got a babysitter. She sat for us from noon to midnight. It was nice to have time to work on the house. It was also nice to not have to add in additional time to drop off Genevieve and pick her up as well as not having to wake her up in the middle of the night to transition her to her crib.
We are getting sitters again this weekend from 10-5 on Saturday and Sunday. Gotta get this house done! Also this weekend we are having our bed set delivered. We got a great price on it. It was just like something that Chad was going to build so it was nice to have one less thing for Chad to build. It looks like it won't fit in our bedroom now so it'll have to wait until we move into the house we build.
Genevieve is amazes me daily. She has just discover putting things in a on. Like she has this stacker with rings. She used to take them off and play with them. Now she has discovered the joys of putting the rings on. She puts the ring on ever so carefully and then gets excited that she did it.
She's in the army now with her Green Eggs and Ham bib.