Saturday, March 27, 2010

Catching up

Chad took Genevieve to the Tacoma Children's Museum so that I could have a day of alone time in the house.

We went through our second round of IVF.  We actually had 3 eggs fertilize which was entirely unexpected given that none fertilized the last time around.  Two were transferred end of February and the other developed for two more days and then was frozen.  Sadly, I did not get pregnant from the two that were transferred but the good news is that there is one left to be transferred.  That embryo transfer will be at the end of April.  If that doesn't work Chad and I are done with fertility treatments.  It's time to move on with life. 

We saw Legally Blond the Musical.  Great show, I recommend seeing it if you get a chance.
We lowered the price on our house....still waiting for the perfect match for someone to buy it.  
In March I had a Conference at the Alderbrook Resort in Union, WA.  The conference itself was boring, but it was nice to get away for a couple days. 
On March 25th I Jennifer came over and we had a Creative Memories consultant bring some software to show us.  I had been talking about becoming a Creative Memories consultant that specializes in digital scrapbooking for a while so I did it.  My first goal is to make enough money to become a Signing Time Instructor ($400).  Then from there the goal is to support my digital scrapbooking habit with things like a lap top and a nice photo printer.  We'll see how it goes, I'm excited to learn more about it.  I am planning an all day scrapbook event for mid-April.  This event really isn't a Creative Memories event, but some people want to see the digital scrapbooking software so I'm taking this opportunity to show them.  I'll have a couple catalogs along as well.  :)

March 29th is the start of my Spring Break.  Chad and Genevieve are going to Ohio to visit his grandparents.  His parents will be meeting them there.  Chad and Genevieve will also be going to Kentucky to allow time for Genevieve to visit with her cousins Alana, Dax and Dayna while he helps pack the Dickson's up for there move. It was my choice to stay home, but since I made that decision the trip has evolved a little.  Part of me would like to go too, but the other part of me knows I need some down time.  As the departure date quickly sneaks up on me I am left with mixed emotions. I will probably cry all the way home from taking them to the airport. I will miss Chad, but I will miss Genevieve terribly. How am I going to do it? 

The good news is that I have a lot to do during the week.  I received a complimentary week at the local gym.  What better week for me to do a week at the gym?  I plan on going shopping with my sister, scrapbooking, learning about being a Creative Memories consultant, learning my new Creative Memories software, cleaning out Genevieve's closet, getting my hair done, getting a massage, a dentist appointment and if there is any time left I'd like to try a project I've been wanting to do involving making jewelry by knitting with wire.  As for the scrapbooking I have 2008 to finish, 2009 to start and finish and would like to start 2010.  We'll see how much I'm actually able to get done.

A lot has changed for me in the last week or so. I have finally decided to stop living for what might happen in the future and start enjoying today. We have had three things that have been in limbo for quite some time now, wanting to have a baby, wanting to sell our house and move up north, and wanting to get a hearing dog through Summit Assistance dogs. Well at least one of them now has a timeline of when it will all be over with the last embryo transfer being end of April. For the time being I just need to accept things as they are for now and move on. Doing so has really helped my emotional well being and I've noticed that I haven't truly been myself for this entire school year. There are people that this is there first year working with me and I feel like they have no idea who I am because I've been so wrapped up in my own little world for so long. My motto for now is, "It''s time to move on".  What better way to kick this off by spending some time at the gym and getting projects done?

Genevieve on the bus with Chad on the way to the Tacoma Children's Museum

At Tacoma Children's Museum

Genevieve's Valentines Day

Making faces with mommy.

This is the typical response she notices the camera is out, "Cheese"

Gen's class picture

Washing dishes with mommy

Genevieve and I went to the zoo by ourselves for the first time.

We saw a shark talk

Genevieve's class on St. Patrick's Day

The little leprechaun always comes to visit.

Grammy and the local Grandbabies on her birthday

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Inner tubing

It was my suggestion that we take Genevieve to see some snow since we had very little snow this year.  Chad's great idea was taking her inner tubing at Snoqualmie. I have since decided that any and all future snow related activities will be a great father/daughter bonding activity.  Gen liked going down the hill but not going up the rope tow.  She yelled, "no, no no" all the way up the hill.  Chad had to walk the inner tube up the hill. 

 February 6, 2010. It was a beautiful day, we went to Bradley Lake Park. She loved it.

 Tim was in Arizona and couldn't get home to Washington D.C. due to snow.  We had a impromptu visit from Tim the weekend of February 6 - 8.  Genevieve finally was starting to get used to him when he left. 

 Genvieve at Little Gym.  She has graduated from the Birdie class and is now in the Beasties class.
 Gen with her ribbon.

Chad sent me beautiful flowers for Valentines day and we went to eat at the Melting Pot.  Our take on the Melting Pot?  We were glad we have experienced eating there, but we never need to eat there again.  Way too spendy for food you have to cook yourself.