Chad's hand is healing beautifully. The nails are growing nicely on his index finger and middle finger. The nail has started to grow on his ring finger and some of the scabbing has gone away.
In baby news...
We just had another doctor's appointment and every is still looking good. We are at week 13. At week 20 we will be able to have another ultrasound and find out the sex (we can't wait). The fatigue has definitely gotten better. I can make to to 8:00 most nights, woo hoo! Meanwhile the nauseousness continues. I plan to take one of my prescriptions for this before getting on the plane since it knocks me out entirely. I just got a new prescription yesterday so we will see how that one does.
Last night Chad and I went to a Microsoft dinner party. As I was getting ready I was shocked to realize how poochie my stomach as become (see photo below). Now I will say that some of this is natural chubbiness that I had before getting pregnant, but most of this is baby bump.
That tummy is getting harder and harder to hide. I can't wait until it actually looks like I'm pregnant instead of looking like I have gotten chubbier. Packing for Florida has been tough. Lately I've been wearing a lot of sweaters to hide my tummy. I don't think that is going to fly in Florida. In a lot of my summer shirts I look like a stuffed sausage. Not to mention that I am typically a little thinner in summer than I am in the winter. Fortunately my mom took me shopping to get a few pair of pants and shorts that I can wear and I think I was able to find enough looser fitting tops. At any rate there is lots to be done today so I better get to it!!! Happy Holidays Everyone!
In this case "poochie" must be in the eye of the beholder. I think you look BEE-utiful! :) I hope you guys have a fun trip to FL. When you get back we should get together me.
Merry Xmas to you,
Merry Xmas to you,
Your growing a baby,
That means tummy grows too!
Love from Canada!
I'm glad I stopped in to read your blog. I am so glad that you and Chad found each other. I hope his hand (fingers) will be ok. I looked at the pictures and was glad that they weren't as bad as I thought they were gonna be (based on all the wraps). I can't wait to hear if you guys are having a boy or girl. Let me know if you guys decide on VMC...its right down the road from our house (& where Kai was born). I hope you guys have a good time in Florida. Oh...and I was told once that making a baby is like rock climbing then you add your day-to-day rountine on top of that and no wonder why you get so tired. Congrats again. Marci
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