To those of you who came we had a blast at our Rock Band Party. To those of you who RSVP'ed and didn't come....phooey on you. Just kidding I know you all had really good reasons. Things happen. We'll have to do another one sometime. We had a great time. Some dressed up, some did not. Next time we will have to make dressing up mandatory. I didn't think people would want to, but I think those who came dressed up had a lot of fun doing it. Case in point, check out this pic of Travis.
Those in attendance were Melissa and her husband Tony, Marie-Claire and her boyfriend Bruce and of course Travis was there. We sang the night away (well it think it was 9:30 when the party wound down...late for me). Below is a pic from upstairs.
That is Melissa on the guitar, Travis on the drums, Chad is singing and Bruce is on the bass. Rock on Inverted Moustache!! We won a van, a tour bus, roadies and a private jet!
Below is the shirt I made for the party using my printer and Iron-on printer paper.
Cute huh? Who knew I could be so creative.
Earlier this week Chad and his team from work had a team event at the bowling alley. Chad won first place with scores of 145 and 135. They were all amazed because a lot of people didn't even break one hundred. The grand prize was not announced until the next day. What did he win? A $100 gift certificate to El Gaucho. Funny huh? Considering we just ate there last week. We are looking forward to enjoying the El Gaucho experience again.
In baby news, I just yesterday started feeling the baby kick from the outside. I can't wait for Chad to feel it. I was so excited to announce to the world that we were having a baby girl that I made a shirt for that too.
For this shirt I used a sparkle I found on the Internet, a printer Iron-on and my new Bejeweler pro ( to add the rhinestones. I know it is hard to tell but these crystal rhinestones are gorgeous in the light. The Bejeweler and rhinestones were a Christmas gift from my mom. Thanks mom.
Last night Chad and I went to see Mame. Here are my preggo pics from that.
The show was a little slow but the actors were great. It's one of those, "OK, now I have seen Mame, checked that off my list, don't need to see it again."
I cannot believe it is March already. I fear these next few months will fly by and before I know it I'll have a baby girl in my arms. There is a lot to look forward to in March. On the 12th I have another doctor's appointment. I have to take the Glucose test to see if I have Gestational Diabetes. Wish me luck. The 15th, Chad and I are taking our first of three Hypnosis for birth classes ( The 21st, Melissa, Tony, Chad and I are going to see Mama Mia (can't wait!). The 31st is the start of Spring Break! Woo hoo. Chad and I are going to Vegas for 3 days. I am hoping to take a crochet class that starts this week. Mom's birthday is this month too! March should be fun. I'll do my best to keep you posted.
1 comment:
Happy Easter! I hope you guys - all three :p - are doing well. Take care. -MariClaire
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