Let's see. The weekend we got back from Vegas we celebrated Jennifer and Eric's birthday and my house. I still think about how yummy the cake was. I really enjoy our family celebrations and that we take time out of our busy lives to celebrate with each other. Getting our schedules to all mesh can sometimes be challenging to say the least, but it is always worth the effort. Here are some pics from that day. Can you believe how big TJ is getting?
On the 12th Chad and I saw Cabaret. Neither one of us had high expectations for this but it was...shall I say "Fabulous". We both really enjoyed this show. I had remembered seeing the movie and not loving it. The show was very different than the movie, in fact, after seeing the show Chad and I watched part of the movie and I was like, "wow no wonder I couldn't remember what had happened in the movie while watching the show". It was completely different. At any rate it was a great one. It's always nice to have those shows that surprise you. When you are thinking, "Oh, I'm so tired, I really could take it or leave it tonight" and then the show blows you away. We recently got our renewal for 5th Ave. and we get to move two seats in. Woo hoo. This upcoming season should be a fun one.
We have started our Childbirth Prep classes on Monday nights. This makes for busy, late nights for me on Mondays. Right after work I get a massage (no complaints there), get dinner in route, and then have class until 9:00. I'm usually in bed by 8:00 so I am usually wiped out by the time I get home and have real difficulties getting up to work out Tuesday mornings, but the classes are worth it. I learned more in the first session than I thought I would that is for sure. I thought I already knew a lot about the process but there is always more to be learned.
Chad has also started his signing with baby classes at Microsoft. This has sparked my interest in learning more about what it would take for me to teach these baby signing classes. I'm currently looking into two programs: Sign 2 me and Signing Smart. I think it would be fun to teach mom's and dad's how to sign with baby and I'm pretty sure I would be able to meet the qualifications. I'll let the blog world know if I do start teaching.
We had another doctor's appointment which was very uneventful, always a good thing. Pee in a cup, take my weight, check for babies heart rate, ask any questions. Done. Everything is looking good. Oh by the way as far as my symptoms go right now, my left thigh has been numb since I got back from Vegas, I have these ghastly mini-pukes, or as Chad calls them "verps",all day everyday, fatigue has started in again as well as the uncomfortableness. But all things considered it really isn't that bad. Dr. McLennen says I can expect more areas to go numb in the next couple of months due to my small stature, so get used to it. My feet haven't been swelling so much, only on the days where I am at my desk at work for at least half a day. I try to get up and walk as well as elevate my feet but it just doesn't seem to help much.
The 19th mom and dad came with Chad and I to our 3-d ultrasound at Baby Pictures. Chad wasn't so impressed with the pictures. I thought they looked pretty good. On the 2-d ultrasound they could see that Genevieve already has a full, thick head of hair. We also learned that she likes to snuggle. She actually has a ton of space up top but she curls up down low and cuddles with her feet and hands. At one point we could see her sucking her arm. This is probably too much information but she also seems to like to snuggle with my placenta which is right in front. In several of the pictures her nose is flat because she is right up against it. So needless to say there were only a handful of pictures where you could see her face without the placenta, hand or foot getting in the way. Oh by the way, she is definitely a girl. I will post the video as soon as Chad gets done editing it.
See her flat nose?Here she is sucking on her arm.
This is probably the best pic of her face.
On the 23rd we visited Tiny Sparts, where Genevieve will be going to Daycare. I have worked pretty closely with the director of the childcare centers so I feel very comfortable that it will be a good program. Chad felt like he didn't have enough questions to ask but by most standards he had plenty. The program has teens that rotate through that are taking classes on early childhood. This is a part of there curriculum requirement. The lead teachers do a good job in making sure the teens are doing what they need to do. It will be nice having daycare so close to where I work and having my baby in the same daycare as a lot of my colleagues.
Every now and then we seem to have an abundance of wildlife in our backyard. I never knew how much fun it would be to watch birds and squirrels until I met Chad. We have a flock of Stellars Blue Jays that visit us often for the peanuts. We also get our fair share of finches, crows, little black birds that we don't know what they are and swallows as well as our little squirrel friend that runs along our fence. This is just one example of the finches in our backyard.
Unfortunately Chad has been sick this week with a fever, but is finally starting to feel better. It's pretty rough around her with one of us sick and one of us pregnant. Neither of us feels like doing anything. Even so we were both motivated enough to work on the nursery which is very exciting for me. The room is mostly cleaned out except for a few items we are trying to sell on craigslist. We discovered that we are going to have a paint as least one wall. We moved some bookshelves out of the room. The bookshelves were covering patched up holes where the paint doesn't match. We are thinking red? Is that crazy? And we are thinking of only painting that one wall. To those that are curious our theme for the room is Nursery Rhymes, more specifically Mary Englebreit Nursery Rhymes. Here is the quilt I purchased off of Ebay.
As you can see, lots of bright colors to choose from. Mary Englebreit also has a couple of Nursery Rhymes books that we may pull a couple of ideas from. We have a couple of outfits (thanks to mom and Karyl), a changing table/dresser, Amby Swing, pack and play yard and half of the crib (we still need to pick up the other half from the friend that is giving it to us). The changing table, pack and play yard and Amby Swing were all craigslist finds. Yea to craigslist! It's exciting to actually have a place to put some of these items. With May just around the corner June will be here before we know it....EGADS!!!
For those of you who didn't notice, Chad has started a blog too. See the link on the left to check it out.
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