Friday, June 20, 2008

My message to my due date club

Up until today I was not ready at all for Genevieve's arrival. Now all my ducks are in a row. School is out, so I'm done with work. My in-laws flew into town last night. Everything is ready to go. Nobody thought I would make it do my due date because I'm so little (4'11"). My due date is tomorrow so I keep thinking, OK any time now. I haven't felt any contractions whatsoever. I am 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated, but I have been that way for over a week and half. I keep thinking, how do I get the message to her that we are ready now? :) I think it's crazy that I'm feeling this way and we aren't even to her due date yet. It just seems like everyone else has their baby before they even get to their due date. The longer it takes the more it seems surreal. It has been surreal enough as it is having this being living inside of me, but it seems more surreal now. It's like, hmmmm maybe she'll never come. Of course I know she will. It's just a strange feeling of the unknown and I have never done well with dealing with the unknown. Please send labor vibes my way. Everyone here is ready, we just need Genevieve to be ready. I guess she wants to make everyone sweat it out for her grand entrance.

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