Well it seems as though Genevieve's fussiness has passed. Who knows what caused it. She's back to her happy self now. Here are some pics from our recent visit to Grammy and Poppi's.

TJ is getting so big!

Here's my new do (or don't, I don't love it yet).

I"m not even sure how it happened, but this is how Gen fell asleep on the couch yesterday.

Wow her hair is getting long!

Gen loves her bath time :)

She loves hanging on to the hose and sticking her feet in the water.
I know I haven't been on here in awhile so I decided to check up on you guys & see how everything's going. You look GREAT! I love your hairdo & I hope you do too by now. :) Anyway, it's amazing how fast time flies...you're little one is getting so big! Take care. -MariClaire
love to see her pretty lil p-ss-
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