May 16th we had a mini BBQ at my parents. We were dropping off Genevieve to go to my 15 year "reunion". Really it was just a bunch of people from the class of '94 on Facebook that decided "Hey we should meet at a bar". It was much better than our ten year reunion which was non-existent.

I took Genevieve to the park with the ECEAP class I work with. She loved the rock climbing wall. Couldn't get her off of it. I put her up there and when I tried to get her down she had a death grip on it. I tried to get her to play with other things at the park. She was only interested in the wall. This doesn't surprise me too much as she has really become a climber lately. She can climb up the stairs. The other day I saw her climbing her walker. She attempted to climb the stool. Chad was on the ladder yesterday and I joke about how Gen was going to climb up after him. Then I noticed she really was trying to get up the ladder and had her foot on the first rung!

Sebastian was born Tuesday May 19th.

Thierry was born the following Saturday. Babies galore. Click to see pictures of Thierry - Travis' family site
Jennifer and Eric with Sebastian.

We had another mini BBQ. We got to see Eddie and Maria. It has been so long since we have seen them. Too bad I didn't get any pictures of them. Just got pictures of the babies. Go figure.

We have a couple of swallows that have taken to hanging out on our porch. They are fun to watch.
We finally have our house on the market. We still aren't a hundred percent ready but away we go. We are having an open house this upcoming Saturday for Realtors and Sunday for buyers. We are also planning on celebrating my birthday on Saturday night. Busy weekend ahead. Here is the link to our website. It's not completely done yet. I'll let you know when it is updated.
Puyallup House for Sale
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