One of Gen's friends from child care had a party at Super Jump Party Zone in Sumner.
Gen is waiting at the gate.
Playing Peek-a-boo with Lilee (the birthday girl).
This ladder was very difficult to climb with Genevieve in your arms.
This slide was much steeper than it looks. Chad and I enjoy roller coaster rides and other extreme rides, but this slide gave my stomach butterflies.
This was the obstacle course. Genevieve wasn't too sure about it the first time around, but grew to love it.
Gen loved the bouncy house.
This is Genevieve's way of telling us she wants to do a forward roll.
We call it "hands down, touch the ground".
She also spent a lot of time in this little car.
Unfortunately she couldn't get it to go by herself.
Reading with daddy. She wanted all these bows in her hair. Too funny.
We took Genevieve to Golden Ears (a hearing dog training class) to meet all the doggies.
She's in her jammies because it was a late night for her.
Go Hawks! Watching the game at Shelly's house.
At Little Gym last week.
Genevieve loves the air track.

She was loving being wedged between these two blocks.
This is at Aeris' birthday party. Gen seemed to look away everytime I tried to get a picture.
Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch and decided pumpkin patches are overrated,
but we got some cute pictures.

Here Genevieve is signing train. I saw her doing this and then asked Chad if there was a train whistle in the distance. Sure enough there was.

I finally got the pictures from my cell phone.
This picture was taken at an end of the school year party on June 9th.
Here is Genevieve helping Tari work the phones in the Special Services office (taken June 10th).
We went to Zoo Boo on Oct. 17th. Genevieve rode the Carousel for the first time and loved it.
I took Gen to a Fall Harvest party at Little Gym.
It was difficult because all the big kids were on the equipment as well.
This is the best picture I got of her there.
Gen went trick or treating in the high school with the babies and toddler in her class.
She loved it. She was grinning from ear to ear the entire time (except when I tried to take pictures). Genevieve, dressed up and ready to go.
Trick or Treating at the mall.
Waiting in line at the costume contest. She won third place and a doll that is for kids 3 and up.
The age category was 0-2 years old. The winner was a lion in a rolling cage and sibling lion tamer. Too cute!
After we left the mall because we felt Genevieve was too tired, she ran around the house!
Even when it is not sugar induced Halloween makes kids act crazy. :)
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