Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Potty Train and First Ice Cream

We started Genevieve with potty training this week (April 19th).  The first 5 days were really frustrating and we had difficulty getting Genevieve to sit on the potty.  After excellent advise from Gen's teacher at Tiny Sparts Learning Center we are having an amazing amount of success this weekend.  It's 2:00 on Sunday and she hasn't had an accident all day.  Woo hoo!  By the way the advice was give her a choice of what treat she wants, put it in a dish, and as soon as her bottom hits the toilet give her the treat.  The initial goal was just to get her on the toilet without throwing a fit, however she will hang out on the potty and even go potty if she needs to.  This seems to be doing the trick for her.  She isn't always thrilled about sitting on the potty, but then once she sees the treats she is ready to go. 

 Tuesday someone came to see our house (been on the market for close to a year now) so we decided to go to Little Gym early and check out the Baskin Robbins next door.  This was Genevieve's first ice cream cone.  It was Rainbow Sherbet.  Probably laden with corn syrup, but it seemed they all were.  We are going to try challenging the corn allergy this week anyways, so long as we can keep her healthy enough. 

Gen surprised us this week.  She is really into the book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" and while she was sitting on the potty one day she turned it to the front where all the letters are.  She started pointing to the letters and telling me the letter names.  I was shocked.  I guess that Signing Time DVD is really helping.  This month we have rented the ABC Signing Time DVD.  It's safe to say she is learning her ABC's from it and can also sign a lot of them too.

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