Thursday, March 13, 2008

Baby Zone Post

Below is a post that I submitted to my Due date club on on March 11th.

Saturday we have our first hypnosis for birth class (one of 3). I'm so excited and looking forward to it.

I have been trying to get massages once a week and have been going to the chirpractor twice a week. I have a pinched nerve that does not seem to be going away on top of the all over back pain I have already been experiencing. Well if it's not one thing it's another huh? At least I finally got over the sinus infection. I thought it was interesting that my chiropractor says that one reason I might be having more than average back pain related to the pregancy is that I am so short (4' 11") and the baby is getting up in my ribs and this is causing them to spread which causes my back to get out of whack. Has anyone heard of this?

I work in a couple of preschool classrooms. The preschoolers are finally starting to notice my ever expanding belly. They are so cute. Last week a girl walked up to me and started rubbing my belly. I said, "It's getting big huh?" Her eye lit up with a look are realization and then she said, "Are you going to have a baby?" I replied, "Yes" to which she replied, "Oh I can't wait to meet it!" So cute.

Another girl in a different class eyed me rubbing my belly today and slyly asked, "What are you doing". I said, "What do think I'm doing". I could tell she was thinking I was pregnant but she wouldn't say it. Later on the same conversation took place. Then she and two other girls were whispering about it. I walked out of the room for a moment and they had told their teacher the "secret" and she told them, "Maybe you should ask Miss Dixie". They finally asked me if I was pregnant. It was just so cute how they were all whispering about it but wouldn't say anything. It is so much fun that other people are starting to realize I am pregnant without having to tell them.

Also Chad was talking to Genevieve (the name were are toying with for now) and he had his ear on my belly and felt her kick (or punch) for the first time. So exicting. Can you tell it is our first?

Anyways, I just wanted to share some of the excitement I have been feeling lately. Things are really starting to feel real.

1 comment:

Dickson Family said...

you need to update already girl....and i tagged you so you can do that as well.